Why Reddit is a Good Social Networking Site

Social media platform and social networking sites are terms you might not know
as having different meanings and therefore not interchangeable when used as descriptions. Both are communications channels running on a platform and working with an operatingsystem as a virtual environment.

However, a social media platform like Facebook is for broadcasting, while a social networking website like Reddit is more of a virtual place for communication. Messages and discourses between and among connected subscribers, customers, users and visitors are organically transmitted and conveyed. Such circumstances permit the building of relationships that serve as sources of advice, contacts or even employment and business opportunities. The most popular examples of social networking sites are Facebook, LinkedIn and Reddit. However, while it’s easy to get into the communication groove at Facebook and LInkedIn, the Reddit networking experience tends to be different.

What Makes Networking at the Reddit Platform Different?

Just to reiterate and clarify, networking is not just about posting content, it’s also about communicating and even discoursing on matters regarded as highly interesting to certain groups of people.

Subreddits – At Reddit, there are communication channels called subreddits, which are forums that specifically delve on a particular networking topic. Actually, Reddit users appreciate the site’s Upvote/Downvote system of determining what members really like, as well as don’t like, as topics of discussions in subreddits and podcasts. Although the platform is friendly to business adverts, marketers have to work well at promoting their product. In Reddit, it’s important for a promotional post to have garnered enough Upvotes, for the product to see the light of day as a subreddit or podcast topic. Downvotes of course have negative effects, which means there’s a chance the topic will not flourish as a subject for subreddit discussions.

Now here’s the thing — many new Reddit members find it difficult to thoroughly follow some discussion. Mainly because, a lot of terminologies they’re not familiar with, are being used by older members. No need to fret since Reddit and the Upvote Shop has a compilation of such terms that members can use as quick glossary as reference

Examples of Reddit Terminologies Often Used by Members

AMA – Stands for “Ask Me Anything,” which generally refers to a Question and Answer subreddit. A variation is the AMAA, which stands for Ask Me Almost Anything.

Benned – This term simply means banned. Presumably, its usage and adoption is to accommodate members who have been used to the mis-spelled version of the word.
Cakeday – A term referring to the anniversary date when a member first joined Reddit. The site places a cake icon next to the account name to let everyone in the Reddit community know its his or her Reddit birthday

Crosspost – This term is used to describe a post as having been shared multiple times in several subreddits.

There countless terminologies included in the Reddit glossary, some of which sound harmless but are actually derogatory. That being the case, you might want to continue the complete list of Reddit terms you often come across in subreddit discussions.

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